Gorilla visits St Johns Park
the Thursday April 15th 2004, Members of Burgess
Hill Uncovered were enjoying a gentle stroll though
St Johns park when they heard lots of screams,
they were screams of terror and fear, the screams
of mothers in fear of their children's safety,
Oh yes people, the Gorilla had come out to play.
Gorilla's first victim with this silly individual
who was wearing an old mans hat. |
BHU webteam gave chase and the Gorilla made
for higher ground. |
a side note, it's good to see the council
found the time to clear up the pink toilet
paper from the statue following April Fools
day. |
little later a group member needed to make
use of the shoddy public toilet facilities.
Inside the cubicle, we discovered a certain
someone. |
tried to hide in this very stunning, tropical
tree. |
then frightened the life out of this group
of semi-goths. |
Gorilla was taunting us from high on top the
legendary statue of stability. |
a 30 minute stand off, the Gorilla became
restless, we feared he may dive on top of
us, so we got bored of waiting and retreated. |
Gorilla is very well trained by Drusillas
Zoo, he ensured he washed his hands before
running away again! |
enough excitement for one day, the Gorilla
waited for a bus to take him away, back to
his hideout perhaps? We didn't try to stop
him, we quite enjoyed the pursuit! |